We Need Fair Sentencing For Youth #stopH4184

The copy below is from Fair Sentencing for Youth and folks this needs ACTION ASAP. Many other MA groups are supporting this too–criminal defense attorneys, ACLU folks, many youth orgs., activists and those who care about justice in Massachusetts! HERE IS THE NEW BILL proposed by Rep Chris Markey that puts together other previous versions and you can download and read the .pdf file. PLEASE TAKE ACTION and also you can tweet #stopH4184 and #maleg to your reps’ and senators’ twitter accounts, etc.

“We just learned today that the Massachusetts Joint Committee on the Judiciary is reporting a bill (called now H.4184, redrafted from other bills) out to the House for a floor vote this Wednesday.

Unfortunately, the redrafted bill contains several provisions which significantly undermine the Supreme Judicial Court’s recent decision granting individuals sentenced under Massachusetts unconstitutional former sentencing scheme a meaningful chance at parole after they had served at least 15 years in prison.

The bill sets the earliest period of parole eligibility at 20 years for those convicted of felony murder, and 25 years in other cases.  The bill also gives the Parole Board the unprecedented ability to impose a 10 year wait before an individual who is denied parole has the chance to go before the parole board again. We believe these provisions profoundly undermine the letter and spirit of the SJC’s decision, failing to recognize the unique capacity of youth to change and rehabilitate themselves, and allowing for excessively long time periods between parole hearings.

THIS TEN YEAR SETBACK APPLIES TO PERSONS SENTENCED AS ADULTS AS WELL AS THOSE SENTENCED AS JUVENILES – ALL LIFERS. Evidence-based practices tell us that parole hearings should occur with regularity and should motivate prisoners to grow and change. Parole hearings should be used to acknowledge a prisoner’s challenges, provide guidance and identify attainable goals, and measure the prisoner’s progress.  Extending the setback period for lifers to 10 years would do exactly the opposite.  

In addition THIS 10 YEAR SETBACK APPLIES TO PERSONS SENTENCED AS ADULTS AS WELL AS THOSE SENTENCED AS JUVENILES – ALL LIFERS. Evidence-based practices tell us that parole hearings should occur with regularity and should motivate prisoners to grow and change. Parole hearings should be used to acknowledge a prisoner’s challenges, provide guidance and identify attainable goals, and measure the prisoner’s progress.  Extending the setback period for lifers to 10 years would do exactly the opposite.

Please CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATORS TODAY to urge them to reject these extreme sentencing provisions for youth.  Let them know that you support these critical ingredients to fair sentencing for youth:

1.  No youth should have to wait longer than 15 years before having a first opportunity to go before the Parole Board.

2.  No person should be made to wait longer than 5 years between parole hearings.


If you have a moment, please let us know how your calls go by emailing lindamalik@cfjj.org.  Thank you for supporting fair sentencing for youth!

Linda Malik
Fair Sentencing Campaign Coordinator